User Resources
Raise Your Standard of Care, Eliminate Infection Risk, Enhance Your Practice
FMD Technology Overview
FMD Device User Manual
Falck Medical FMD Instructional Video
Pearls for Using the FMD Device from Falck Medical Inc
Proper Insertion of Fixed-Use Prism for Falck Medical FMDDevice
Introduction to the Falck Medical, Inc FMD Multifunction Device.
Falck Medical, Inc., FMD Serial Tonometry Measurement.
Falck Medical, Inc., FMDTonography Measurement.
Falck Medical, Inc., FMD Ophthalmodynamometry Measurement.
Falck Medical, Inc., FMD Coding and Reimbursement
Falck Medical Multi-Function DEVICE Powerpoint
click here to open file
Press Conference for the Falck Medical Inc. FMD Device at the Boston AAO 2021 Meeting
Instructions for Disinfecting External Surfaces of Falck Medical, Inc FMD Multifunction Device Using Clorox Disinfecting Wipes
1. Only Clorox Disinfecting Wipes are to be used. See attached Product Label.
2. Do not touch the emitter or detector in the prism head with the Clorox Disinfecting Wipe.
3. To protect the emitter and detector, perform surface disinfection after all patient testing is completed with the used prism in place.
4. Turn the power off to the FMD Device.
5. Remove a single Clorox Disinfecting Wipe from the container. Squeeze excess fluid from the wipe.
6. Wipe the external surfaces with a single wipe.
7. Let all surfaces air dry.
8. Turn power back on to the FMD Device.
9. After the FMD Device completes the check routine, replace the prism with an unused FMD Prism.
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